How to convert MKV to AVI
Extensions of audio and video files there are dozens. Certainly the best known and most popular extensions are: AVI, MPG, MOV, WMV, FLV for video and for audio: MP3, WAV, AIFF, AU. There are other types of video files with extensions such little-known type: MKV.
When we are faced with a downloaded video format unknown or do not know what to do better, we try to convert MKV to AVI file for example. But what is an MKV file?
A file MKV (Matroska) is a container for 2 files. An audio and a video. The audio file is usually either AC3 or DTS, while using video compression codecs such as XVID, DIVX, H264. It might seem then that a MKV file is similar to an AVI but not quite so, in fact, if we do not have a media player specifically for this type of files, we can never open them. Here the need to convert MKV file to AVI (Audio Video Interleave) format supported by virtually all readers and provides very high quality video performance, because it uses compression and decompression codecs XVID, DIVX.
How to convert MKV files to AVI? With the use of best conversion programs as:
MKV to AVI Converter | | MKV to AVI with Subtitle |
These 2 software both allows conversions from MKV file to AVI video formats. You mkv files can be converted easily and without quality loss.
If you want to learn how to convert video to MKV format, the following the source where have more information you can consider.
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