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transform iPhone or iPad into portable scanner

Scanner Pro by Readdle” is an excellent powerful mobile scanner software on iOS! It can use the iPhone or iPad’s camera to shoot the data and with the intelligent calibration and automatically crop, users can adjust the contrast, choose black and white or color, etc., the “Scan” out of the document or picture is clear and very professional! It supports to save the “scanned document” as image or PDF file, in addition, it lets you:

Send e-mail support, iCloud sync, and directly upload sca

transform iPhone or iPad into portable scanner
transform iPhone or iPad into portable scanner

nned documents to Dropbox, Evernote and other services

“Scanner Pro by Readdle’s design” is very easy to use (supports multiple languages​​), you can shoot for scanning, but also has a photo album on the phone to scan. Unlike traditional scanners because it requires that the pressure lid, there is no size limit, so can support virtually any type of document, such as invoices, purchase receipts, notes, business cards, ID cards, business license and other documents, and they were very efficient, basically if you have a scan needs, it will satisfy you.

Overall: Scanner Pro by Readdle is a very good scanning software, and the software itself provides escaped language support, the use of very simple and efficient and highly practical. This is probably one of the best iOS APP application scanning tools, the actual use of a great feeling, whether it is office or everyday use are very practical, very worthy collection for use.

Download Scanner Pro by Readdle

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