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floppy data recovery, zip disk data recovery

ZIP Floppy Disk Data Recovery

Although now more and more advanced storage technology has appeared, you have many ways to store your data, however, due to various reasons, new storage media temporarily can not able to replace the floppy disk. Floppy disk has the advantage of convenient, easy to carry and its price is very cheap, still occupy important storage market share. The most important point is that almost every computer is equipped with a 1.44 M floppy disk drive, it is the most convenient choice to backup a small amount of data with floppy disk.

The storage data on Floppy diskvery easily lost, If the data is very important and you have not backuped it, the important thing is of how to rescue or recover the floppy data. Now widely used floppy disk is a 3.5-inch disk with a 1.44M storage space, after formatting a floppy disk, it is logically divided into three parts: TRACK, HEAD and SECTOR.

General said, floppy disk was damaged and the loss of data can be divided into three categories:

  1. Zero track bad, unable to see the drive and list directory, the general error message display on screen is “General Failure error Reading drive A Abort, Retry, Ignore?”
  2. One part of a floppy disk damage and directory can be listed , but there are a certain number of a file or several files can not be readed or damaged or read the paper after the, the general error message is “Sector not found error Reading drive A Abort, Retry, Ignore?” or “Data error Reading drive A Abort, Retry, Ignore?”
  3. Physical damage, to restore floppy disk data needs the help of some disk data recovery software.

Below is the introduction of the disk data recovery software – Floppy Zip Disk Rescue:

Floppy Zip Disk Rescue is a usefulfloppy data recovery to rescue corrupt file from Floppy disk or other peripheral devices, you can run it on Microsoft Windows.

with the recovery software, you need to first identify the needs to copy file (multiple files) or copy the entire folder (including sub-folders), the program has the two options of “Add Files” and “Add Folder” for you. select the files or folder which you want to recover, and set the directory where you like to store in your computer, then click “Start” button, the floppy Zip disk recovery will fast scans disk sectors, rescues the damaged files and copies the correct data to hard disk as possible as it can.

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Screen shot:

ZIP disk is also known as the mass storage disk, a certain number of users like to use it to store data, only a 3.5-inch size. ZIP disk has the capacity up to 100 MB and easy to carry, its appearance is very similar with 1.44M floppy diskette. ZIP disk is more reliable than floppy disk. Floppy Zip Disk Rescue is also an easy-to-useZIP data recovery to restoredamagedfiles from ZIP disk.

The definition for Data Recovery Software:

Rapid development of IT industry leads to a new emerging mode: data recovery. Data recovery is actually just around us for decades, unnoticed. Nowadays, it emerges a new branch of IT industry. Data Recovery includes Data Recovery software and Data Recovery service.

With rapid development of global informationized, data becomes one of very important assets for organizations. Storage, safety and integrity of data is not just technology issues, but demonstration of ability to survival and competitiveness. They are same for governments, organizations, or even individuals.

Data hereinafter refers to information stored in computer and removable media. Firstly, Data is general concept, not only includes PC files, or various data stored in computer, for instance, multimedia files, like graphic, images, and audio, softwares and documents, database, or just about anything that can be taken by digital cameras, digital recorders, but also the hardware managed or stored those information. Although “data” and “information” appear in many documents, not any definition of “data” and “information” is public accepted. We simply understand them as various files in hard drives and storage media.

Simply said, Data Recovery software is an application which can successfully recover formatted or corrupted data due to virus attacks and accidents. It not only recovers the data from the files, phsically damaged drive, operating systems, but also digital removable memory sticks.

The range of Data Recovery includes: Soft troubles and Hard troubles.

Soft troubles:

(1) recover system files that have been damaged due to accidental partition, accidental or malicious formats, accidental restoring system, deletions, accidental copypartitions, Main boot record loss, boot loss, virus attacks, hackers attacks, devil programs, disk array server raid loss, power failure, memory overflow, software conflicts, power-off forcibly, and crash.

(2) recover common files that have been destroyed, such as: Office files, database files of Microsoft SQL, Oracle, Sybase, Fox base/pro, Zip, MS Outlook, Exchange Email and multimedia files.

(3) recover passwords of operating system (example: Windows 2000/Xp) and files of zip, rar, Word, Excel, Access and PDF.

Hard troubles:

1. Symptoms of hard troubles:

  • Do not recognize CMOS
  • “Ka Ka” sound of magnetic head collision
  • Motor doesnt work, and no sound after power on.
  • Read/write errors due to magnetic head dislocation

2. Sort of hard disk or hardware troubles:

  • Disc body have been corrupted due to magnetic head burnout, aging, chip corruption, disc corruption magnetic head shift, disc scratch, magnetic group deformation, servo information loss.
  • PCB troubles due to PCB corruption, chipset burnout, disconnection or dis-pins.

What shall we do when data loss?

We suggest you to use data recovery software once there is data loss. It is possible to recover the lost data.

If the files of your CD/DVD are corrupted, CD/DVD Data Recovery is an easy-to-use tool to recover them, it is effective for corrupted digital multimedia files, audio, video, image files, MPEG, AVI, RM, MP3, JPEG etc, and for damaged document and text files.

Want to know more, you can read another article about rescue CD/DVD data.

You can also visit another page about the step-by-step of how to recover damaged DVD data

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1. Do not store files or data into computer when there is accidental or malicious formats or deletions. Otherwise, more data will loss, and can not be recovered, even if the professional engineers.
2. Do not power it on when removable drives or hard drives corruption. Because magnetic head of hard disc is usually damaged.
3. Do not initialized or Rebuild when Raid disc array server is wrong.
4. Read, not write is general principal.

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