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Convert Rm To Mkv

Convert RM to MKV with one-click

RM format : RM stands for RealMedia. RM is the audio and video compression standard developed by Real Networks, Inc. It is called Real Media, users can use RealPlayer or RealOne Player to play it directly. According to the different network transmission speed, it can give a different compression ratio, in order to achieve real-time transmission of video in low-rate network.

The another characteristic is: users can play it in real-time by using RealPlayer or RealOne the Player, need not download video and audio files, In addition, RM is the current main network streaming video format.

RM and ASF have the different characteristics, usually RM video quality is more softer, ASF video quality is more clear.

If you want to convert rm videos to mkv format, the following software is the one you can consider, which transforms video without losing time and that’s something that you will waste time to learn how to master it. if you have installed other codecs, the program can support many other video formats to make its work much better.

Before you launch the program, recommend to install the MKV codec for mkv muxer.

About RM to MKV Converter

To convert rm to mkv, pease install the latest RealPlayer if your Windows has not
installed it. Download RealMedia Splitter, use the command line “regsvr32
RealMediaSplitter.ax” to register it.

Direct MKV Converter is a video conversion program which can directly convert to mkv from
variety video formats, especially designed to move your videos to a mkv format compatible
with your needs.

If your computer has the characteristic of having a dual-core processor, the conversion time is reduced greatly.

When using the application, you can verify that the video quality remains intact.

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Download Direct MKV Converter


System Requirements:

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