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how to join video clips on your DC (digital camera)

digital camera
digital camera

If you have shot some videos by using digital camera and you want to join these clips into one file, does you need a software to help you, the answer is: No!

You do not need any software and you can join them into one if those clips are .mpg format.

The following is the way:

If you are Windows user, you can use the blow code line:

copy/b file1.mpg+file2.mpg+file3.mpg newfile.mpg

If you are Linux user, you can:

cat file1.mpg file2.mpg file3.mpg >> newfile.mpg

By the way, if the above method is not availiable for you, you can use our MPEG Joiner or Open Video Joiner, Their difference is: MPEG JOINER use of “uncompressed mode”, another way of using compression and more powerful.

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