With Video to Photo Converter, you can easily convert video to jpg format with customizable quality. When you download and install “Video To Photo Converter” to your computer, you can find your installation file “Video2Photo” directory, usually in your “Program Files”, if you do not specify a path.
Donwload Video to Photo Converter
Locate and double-click “Video2Photo.exe”, the program will be started.
Add a video file into the program, then it will automatically pop up a window for you, click the “Play” button, you can watch your video. With this embedded player, you can “preview and find” a particular picture you want. Before the conversion, click on the “Options” button to set some basic parameters:
Output Format: The program supports “BMP/JPG/PNG/TIF” four common image formats.
Output Directory: Set the output path.
Resolution: Original Size – the program will automatically recognize the video resolution and display; additionally it provides some common resolutions, such as: “640×480, 720×576, 720×480, 480×576, 480×480, 352×288”. if these do not meet your demand, you can customize your own resolution according to the “Custom Size”.
Resize Mode: include “Preserve aspect ratio” and “Stretch”
JPG Quality: If you select the output format is JPG, this setting is activated, it allow you to change the JPG image quality, minimum is 1; maximum is 100.
Sampling interval: You can set the frame rate, such as: 1 frame.
After completion of the above settings, the following is how to convert video to jpeg:
The moment when you see your favorite screen, click the “Pause” button, then click “Convert”, when the conversion is complete, it will give you a line tip at the bottom of the interface, including “input path” and “Resolution Specifications”
If you only like a certain section of the video, you can set the “start time and end time”, the program will fully convert the video to jpg format, depending on your settings in “Options”