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best contacts app for Android – Contacts+

Contacts+ - Best contact app for Android
Contacts+ – Best contact app for Android

Contacts+ – a beautiful, simple and smart address book app,  all people related information and services are brought together into your mobile contacts.

Upon first installation you can sign up to the free messaging service and login to Facebook to add photos and birthdays to your contacts. Contacts+ works with your device contacts so there is no need to import information – it simply works.

Contacts+ is designed as a full ecosystem for your contacts. The main screen shows your contacts, which can be sorted based on Frequency (important contacts are prioritized), Recency and A-Z. By swiping left and right you can reach the call log or messaging list, which features free and regular messages and threaded conversations (it’s like iMessage for Android!). You can use the smart dialer to quickly search your contacts or use the gesture search that includes handwriting learning capabilities !

Inside each contact the information is neatly organized. Contacts+ automatically pulls the cover photo from Facebook or Google Plus (when available), you can also manually choose a cover-pic from the phone gallery. Contact-related services such as social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Foursquare), messaging and navigation are directly integrated to the contact and can be reached by tapping on customizable tabs inside the contact (you can customize the tabs by clicking on the “+” tab).

Main Features:

Contacts+ is integrated with Skype and supports several additional VoIP apps.

When you open a contact that is your friend on Skype, you should see in the info tab (in Contacts+), below the “Phones” list, a title called “Internet call”, under it there should be the friend’s Skype username, clicking on this line will launch a Skype call with your friend.

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